We always strive to use the best technologies available on the market here at FreeHosting.io, which is why we have partnered with Site.pro, one of the most advanced (if not the most advanced) website builder on the net. We have integrated the Site.pro builder with our system so you can use their incredible features withoout having to leave our awesome platform.
Now, let's see the steps needed to create a builder account (this must be done for each individual website).
1- First go to the Websites page and select the website you want to create the builder account for. Click the 'Manage' button.
2- Now, in the left part of the page, under the 'Site Builders' section, click the 'Create Site Builder' button.
3- Now, you must fill the form that's located here. We will instruct you on what to fill the fields with.
- In the 'Domain' field put the domain for which you want to create the builder account for. Please note that it must be either the one you clicked the 'Manage' button for in step 1 or one of its addon domains (that is, if you have added one through the control panel). If you put any other domain, the builder will return an error and won't be able to upload the files.
- In the 'Directory' field, you can put the folder on which you want the website builder to upload all the files to. Please note that the directory you specify has to exist already, so you have to create it through an FTP client or our Online File manager in the cPanel beforehand. If you want the builder to upload the files to the root directory of your website, leave the 'Directory' field empty.